Join one of our
Community Advisory Squads

Our Community Advisory Squads are a crucial element of our program initiatives at inclusion tennessee. Each squad will partner with our staff to providing community input, feedback, and support on the implementation of our programs and initiatives. Squad members are charged with working with us to ensure our programs align with our mission of nurturing belonging, are connecting with other community groups, and ensuring our work follows IDEAS principles.

Each squad will have up to 12 advisors, an inclusion tennessee staff liaison, and an inclusion tennessee board liaison. 

Flourish Squad

The Flourish Squad focuses on programs that promote health and wellness for community members at every age.  Whether you care about working with trans folks, queer youth, or our LGBT older adult community β€” you involvement in the Flourish Squad will connect you directly into our programmatic work. 

Embrace Squad

The Embrace Squad is focused on building collaborative connections between our LGBTQIA+ community organizations. This squad will work with our programming to build a technology forward navigation tool so our community access care for all aspects of their health. 

Gather Squad

The Gather Squad is responsible for initiatives that bring our community together. This squad works on programs that foster connection, encouraging community members to meet, interact, and learn from one another.

inclusion Squad

The inclusion Squad is responsible to aid in assist in our big picture thinking and driving awareness about our programs for collective good.


  • Great question! We know everyone is leading busy lives these days. So we are trying to keep this time commitment lower.

    Each month, we would expect an hourly commitment of no more than 5 hours, based on volunteer opportunities. Our Community Advisory Squads will meet once per quarter over a catered meal for about 2 hours to discuss one or two projects related to the squad topic.

  • The short answer is no. We deeply respect those who want to invest sweat equity into our work. However, if you are wiling, we would encourage membership in our Founders Circle program.

  • We would strongly encourage you to start with one opportunity within our Squad based program. We also have other opportunities to share your time, talent, or treasure with inclusion tennessee, so we can help you customize your engagement if you want to do more!

  • Of course! Please reach out to us directly at and we’ll get your connected with the staff liaison working on this project.